Jake's first Santa visit 12/5/07

I just woke up from my nap. I really didn't even know I was sitting on Santa's lap.
I let Mommy and Daddy come in to speak to Santa and Mrs Claus. I am not able to say what I want for Christmas, so they gave them ideas for me.

My christmas outfit is very comfortable and I really like my shoes.

Our first family Christmas

Jake's first year decorating the house.
He gave Daddy lots of instructions on how to get the lights just right.

Our first tradition of going to the Gaylord Texan to look at the Christmas decorations.

Nana made sure Jake had his very own Christmas tree. It lights up his room and makes us remember love and family.

Jacob is 5 months old 11/28/07

Jake has started to sit up.

If only for a few seconds on his own.

Jake now weights 16 pounds and 5 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long. He loves his Exersaucer and is very busy playing with his toys on it. Daddy calls it his office.

Halloween 2007

Jake and Max as a "pumpkin patch"

What a cute little pumpkin!!

Jacob is 4 months old 10/28/07

Jacob is 13.5 pounds
He is smiling, starting to giggle, and reaching out to us. Jake has also been good to Mommy and Daddy by sleeping thru the night!

Jacob's Baptism 10/20/07

Father Jonathan who married us, gave Jacob his own private baptism.

Jacob wore Mommy's gown and

and Daddy's outfit too.

Auntie Cath and Uncle Ken are Jake's godparents.

9/29/07 Jake is 3 months old

Jake is smiling and talking to Mommy and Daddy.

Jake is almost taller than his bear.

9/10/07 1st Day at Daycare

Jake didn't want to be photographed.
Ms. Patsy takes great care of me.

Daddy drops me off each morning.

8/28/07 8 weeks old

We went to the doctor for Jake's 2 month check up. He was given 3 shots in the thigh! He "sang" loud and then fell asleep in Daddy's arms. He is 9 lbs 12 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long.

Mommy and Daddy were excited to see this smile. It was the first one that wasn't from "gas".

8/15/07 California Trip

Jake and I arrived in San Francisco. Look closely he is all snug in the sling.
Nana thought I left him in the baggage area.
Tyler, Alexis, and Austin did a great job babysitting Jake. Dad and Mom taught them well.
Our last night at Nana's house.

7/28/07 Jake is 1 month old

Happy 1 month birthday to Jake.

7/27/07 Jake's 1st swim

Jake didn't cry at all when Daddy put him in the water.

Jake's first swim suit came from South America.

7/18/07 Jake's 1st Bath

Jake did really well until we took him out of the bath.

6/28/07 Jacob David George arrives

Jacob arrived at 10:33am by emergency c-section. His heart rate dropped too low and the doctor made the call. He is 6lbs 6oz and 19 inches long. He is doing great. Thanks to all our family and friends for your ongoing support.
To see Jacob's first photo shoot go to the website below and enter George as the password.

6/5/07 9 months pregnant

3 weeks till Jake's arrival. June 11 doctor's appointment Jake is up to 6 lbs. We couldn't get any good photos since he is taking up most of the space.

5/20/08 Jake's room is ready for his arrival on June 28th.

Changing area and dresser

We love the mobile made of wood boats hanging above his crib.

What a great model boat Dave found for Jakes's wall.