8/28/07 8 weeks old

We went to the doctor for Jake's 2 month check up. He was given 3 shots in the thigh! He "sang" loud and then fell asleep in Daddy's arms. He is 9 lbs 12 oz and is 21 1/2 inches long.

Mommy and Daddy were excited to see this smile. It was the first one that wasn't from "gas".

8/15/07 California Trip

Jake and I arrived in San Francisco. Look closely he is all snug in the sling.
Nana thought I left him in the baggage area.
Tyler, Alexis, and Austin did a great job babysitting Jake. Dad and Mom taught them well.
Our last night at Nana's house.

7/28/07 Jake is 1 month old

Happy 1 month birthday to Jake.

7/27/07 Jake's 1st swim

Jake didn't cry at all when Daddy put him in the water.

Jake's first swim suit came from South America.

7/18/07 Jake's 1st Bath

Jake did really well until we took him out of the bath.