Jake's 1st Cowboys game

No one can say Mommy isn't making a huge sacrifice for Jake. Go Cowboys, well only when Jake is watching. I am still a 49er fan. Don't get me wrong I'll go to a Cowboys game and sit in great seats. Thanks Jerry Jones. I whispered "go Niners" and it worked they beat the Cowboys.

We were on the 35 yard line in the 25th row behind the Cowboys bench. Jake had an awesome time. We kept him in the game by making him follow the ball. We asked him "where is the ball", and he knew each time.

Summer fun, swimming and workbench

This is the first time Jake is swimming with us after all his lessons. The pool was underconstruction so we couldn't use ours. We were excited that he jumped right in. I was concerned at first. He began choking on the water, something he learned in week one of swim class. Well after a few laps we realized it was because he was smiling and laughing swimming to us. Yeah yeah, relaxed and happy to be with Mommy and Daddy.

Our Jake is great with tools too. Thanks to Nana and Auntie Cath he has his very own tool bench. It has interactive parts that you can build with. He is very busy fixing things.

August brings Barnie and "My George"!

Jake has been in swim lessons for 4 weeks. I would pick him up from daycare and drive him to his lesson each night Monday thru Thursday. When we got home he was tired, so he would sit in his chair and began his obession with Barney and George! A few days later he started bringing George to bed and in the car. Daddy and Jake were going to Home Depot. They got to the front door and Jake stopped in his tracks. He kept saying George George George, Dave asked him if he wanted to go back to the car and get him. He gave huge YES! That began the traveling George.

Swim Lessons with Chad

Lone Star Swim School is great! It is at a family home two blocks up the street from Jake's daycare. Their sons ages 16 to 20 teach the classes. They have an amazing way with kids. Tons of patience for a crying kiddie.

Week 4 of lessons with "my friend Chad"

The lessons are done semi-private. Two kids per teacher for 30 minutes. Week one Jake cried for 1/2 the class. Week 2 the first 10 minutes and then he would moan on the side of the pool for Mommy or Daddy. Week 3 he cried for 5 to 10 minutes and started to talk to Chad. Chad was so excited at the end of the lesson he made sure to tell me that Jake talked to him. Week 4 there was a little crying but once Chad got him busy he did great. By the end of week one he was pushing himself off the step in the water to Chad and not swallowing any water. By week 3 he jumped off the side and sort of swam to Chad. Week 4 he played and swam very naturally with Chad.

Chad takes him to the rocks and shows him a hole. He does this to calm him down and stop him from crying. He speaks softly in his ear. It is amazing to watch. Oh I didn't say that for 4 weeks of lessons Mommy is hiding behind a bush, so Jake will stop crying and listen to Chad. A pretty funny site.
At the end of his lessons Chad and his brother said Jake did great for being two. Most kids do cry like Jake did but they scream and fight the whole lesson. Jake didn't do that, he cried but once busy in the water he would listen and do what he was told. I knew he liked Chad when he would be crying and the same time would give Chad a high five.

1st Fort Worth Zoo Visit

Jake's first visit to the zoo. The first area we came to is the Monkey compound. It is in a large circle and each turn is a different species. Jake stood in his stroller to get the view. He balanced great except when he didn't want to leave. We had to tell him there are other monkeys around the corner. He put on a huge smile!
Next were the Flamingos, he liked the pink color.
Oh look there is Mommy, yes she does exist behind the camera.

We got to the zoo at opening 10am. We knew he would only last till lunch time because of his nap schedule. 12:30 on the dot he started being a cranky two year old. "Yes" we were the couple leaving the zoo with a screaming child. It was very funny. Lucky for us we saw all the fun and active animals.

Jake's new foods and brushing his teeth.

Jake has been getting lots of fun treats, so much so that it is time to brush our teeth. He has an Elmo toothbrush and Thomas the Train toothpaste.(fruity flavor) He hits a few teeth then sucks the paste off and asks for more. Mommy has to brush her teeth too. It helps Jake put the brush more of his teeth.

Jake loves shrimp, especially Daddy's at Pei Wei. We now order $4 more shrimp just for him.