"Its Potty Time in April"!

Jake is up on the Elmo thrown. After he goes he gets a Skittle or two as a reward.
Mrs. Allison has been reporting to us how great Jake is doing with potty at school. In one day he went 4 times and Mrs. Allison said he is "man peeing.... not just dribbling" each time. After he is done and pulling up his undies he says "look Elmo or Buzz is dry". Great job Jake!

Jake fun with friends.

Jake and Alix are finally getting to enjoy the sandbox.
Jake loves trucks! His favorite is the garbage truck. He ran in the house to get his camera to take a photo. Alix and Nikki are on their way over.
Jake and Max having a fun night playing, eatting pizza and cookies.
The boys took over the house. :)

Balls Balls and more for Jake's room.

Jake's new changes to his room. The Easter Bunny brought the hoop for above his bed. We added vintage sports magazine prints in the frames. Daddy found the "pillow balls".

Daddy, also found an antique lacrosse stick.

The Easter Bunny is coming!

Jake had fun opening his giant eggs. He got books, stickers, a chocolate bunny and Daddy's favorite Peeps.
Jake loved his Easter Egg hunt. He knew each egg had candy in them.
Getting ready for the Easter Bunny. Jake helped put out lettuce and carrotts for him. Jake kept saying "he won't get me", I said oh no the bunny is going to tickel you in your sleep".

Mommy, Jake, Nikki and Alix made Easter Basket Cupcakes.

Don't they look like husband and wife? This is at the Bourland's house after eatting cupcakes.

Coppell City Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Our annual egg hunt with Alix, Tj and Jake.

Jake and Chloe Easter photos with the tulips.

Jake practicing his egg hunt.
Jake had quite a week preparing for Easter. At school the had an egg hunt and got candy. Ms. Chelsea brought in her baby bunny rabbit. Jake was so excited he charged through the group of kids to touch the bunny. Ms. Chelsea couldn't believe how obsessed he was with the bunny. Everytime he saw her he asked for the bunny.

What is Jake saying and doing this month?

Jake has a morning routine going to school. Jake and George "need" new stickers. We get dressed and then he leads us to the kitchen sticker drawer. Sometimes its a quick pick other times he looks and looks to decide which ones he will wear. When Dave drops him off Jake has started to ask Daddy to sit and eat with him. Dave will sit next to Jake as he gets his breakfast. Dave can be there for 1 to 5 minutes. Then he gets up and Jake gives him the go ahead. "Bye bye Daddy" At night we have been regularly brushing our teeth. That means Jake is up on his stool and hands out specific toothbrushes to M & D. Currently Jake loves the green one he got from the dentist, mommy get the orange Elmo and Daddy gets the blue Snoopy one. If he tells us "no" then we say we are going to use the green brush. Boy is he quick to get up on the stool and grab his green toothbrush from us. Books before bed is alot of fun. Most of the time Daddy is selected to read and tuck Jake in. He has a book where he knows each word on each page from the photos. Of course George, Buzz and numerous toys are there too. Into our big boy bed, which he hasn't climbed out without us being there.