What are all the fun things Jake is saying.

Mommy and Daddy were having a date night. We were trying to get dressed when Jake decided he wanted to pick out his clothes. Mommy was running late getting ready and left his room discouraged and rushed. Daddy went into Jakes room to get him dressed. Jake looked at Daddy and said "my mommy is not happy with me", ADORABLE. He dressed and came in to see Mommy. He walked in and stood with a huge smile to show me what he picked out. He was so proud.

Jake's hair cuts have been amazing. We go to Sport Clips so he can watch sports on the TV. We have our favorite lady name Michelle. She is so great with Jake, giving him a lollipop before the haircut. She tickles him with the shears and blasts the hair dryer. He is so proud after and loves when we tell him how nice his hair is.

Jake is finally interested in Chloe. Instantly she is his doggie. He gives her treats and wants her to chase him. He tries to kiss and hug her but she is fast.

Jake is in two extra classes at school. He has been in gymnastics for 9 months and he just started Amazing Athletes. AA has 2 sports each week. His teacher is very impressed with his coordination. She says he is very attentive and loves learning all the sports. They put stamps on their hands of the sports they played that day. It is so fun when he tells us what he did and what the balls and equipment he played with.

Jake is three and now feels he needs to tell us he is "not a baby". He is very serious and stern when he says it. At school he told his teacher he wasn't a baby and needed to play with the big kids.

Nana Auntie and Cousin Austin's July Visit

Toy Story 3 Jake loves to hold the popcorn bucket!!

He ate almost a third of the bucket.
Jake loves his Auntie!
Games and fun with Nana Auntie and Austin. A weekend of rain, but we had tons of fun.

Dallas Aquarium and atrium of fun animals.

2010 4th of July Weekend

Fun at John Jean and Jenna's house. How we adults have grown up with our kids. The evening ends up in Jenna's room playing dress up. As you can see the dads became our little bunnies.

What cute kiddies we have. Jake ate 6 large shrimp and of course we had cake too.
Jake loves his pitch back he got from Nana and Auntie on his bday. He laughs when the ball comes back at him.
Mommy is so proud of our little baseball player. Uncle Rob sent Jake his first glove. Jake is so cute when he asks "which hand" with his hand and glove in the air. Adorable little guy making sure he puts the glove on the right hand. We are working on right and left.
Our 4th of July tradition, going to the Coppell parade with the Bourland Family.
Jake's favorite part is the fire trucks that end the parade.