Jake is 4, here is what he is saying lately!

Girlfriend stories from school. Londyn and Jake lay next to each other at nap time. She has been caught touching his face, fixing his lunch and giving lots of hugs. We think the big kids from school started it. They are there for the summer time. This is the first year Jake can go in the bus on Wednesday field trips. The first one I had to drive Jake and Alix since they weren't 4, but after that he loves being a big boy getting on the bus with his friends.

Jake loves the map in his room that Uncle Brad gave him for Xmas. He has pins where all his counsins live. It has become very important we talk about his cousins since he doesn't have a brother or sister. He was very sad one day talking to Mommy that he didn't have one.

Jake is very detailed, he even noticed my toe nail polish on mommy and said it looked pretty.

Jake said that "wearing a necklace doesn't look like a girl."

We have had storms with lighting during the day and night this month. Jake made sure we knew that he was not scared. He said some of the kids at school got upset but he didn't. I would ask him the next morning if he heard the storm and he said no.

Sleep routine at night has become so sweet. We tell each other we love each other bunches and bunches and bunches while blowing kissing. It reminds me of the love squeezes Nannie gave to us.

Jake is learning already about working out. He asks to turn on the treadmill in the morning so he is exercising like mommy and daddy do.

Jake started getting out of bed at night to see us in the living room. Then on the weekends he will crawl up on our bed to ask if it is time to get up. No sleeping in with a 4 year old.

Jake has gotten to see Uncle Rob, and "we don't say he is at the park it has to be he is at the baseball park."

Jake says he is getting big and strong bigger so we have to buy a new car so he will fit in it.

Jake's 4 year Dr apt meant 4 shots in the legs. I was never bothered by it before but he pleaded to stop after shot number 1 and I had to tell him it was 3 more to go. Loved his band aides and was walking around for days with them on saying his legs hurt. After 24 hours it shouldn't but he wouldn't let us take them off. The band aides had to fall off then he was all better.

June the George birthday month, field trips start at school.

Each Wednesday during the summer Jake goes on a field trip. This one is at a small zoo.
Cici's Pizza a perfect place for kids to go. Jake, Westlee, Jack and Tj together. Jake ate 4 pieces of pizza.
Studio Movie Grill Kung Fu Panda 2. Jake and Alix weren't 4 yet so I drove them in my car so they wouldn't miss the outting.
Jake 4th birthday party was at a Bounce House. Perfect place for a June birthday in Texas. The kids run all over the place and then have pizza and baseball cake in a private room. This year Jake told us what kind of cake we were having. Daddy had a plane cake and Mommy got one with lots of flowers. It didn't matter what the cake tasted like, it was all about the theme. Love my party planning son!!!