May 2012 Pre K Graduation already!!!!!!!

may 2012 Nana and Auntie's visit.

Nana and Auntie brought books to read at night. Jake decided who read to him first. 

Jake's last game with Nana and Auntie, perfect timeing for their trip.

Jake new thing TIC TAC TOE games!

Sword fight!

Nana and Auntie tired the 5 year old out.  We put him to bed at 5pm and he didn't wake till the next morning.

May visit to Seaworld.

San Antonio first stop the Alamo, then to the Riverwalk for a yummy dinner.

An entire day at Seaworld, we all felt like little kids again. 

Fun rides as well as awesome shows.

Jake loves the Cookie Monster.

This and the whale show was the highlight of my trip to Seaworld.  $10 to feed the dolphins no problem said Daddy.  Even when Jake asked for another $10 to feed them some more.  :)

Jake asked on our way to San Antonio who's house are we staying at.  It was so cute, because I realized he had never stayed at a hotel.  He is spoiled from his first time.  A two bedroom suite at Mommy's Residence Inn.  Jake loved that he had a TV in his room.  The funny part is that he was so tired each night he never was awake to watch it.

April 2012 Easter Bunny,Uncle Brad, Thomas and blastball!

Baseball with Uncle Brad. 

Legoland fun!

Coloring our Easter Eggs!  We just colored them and the Easter Bunny hid the real eggs in the kitchen.  The other eggs he hid in the trees and bushes outside.  Jake like those since they were filled with candy.

Love Texas weather in April when you can swim!!!!

Time to get the lettuce and carrotts ready for the bunny.

Church on Easter than fun at the feeding the ducks before Uncle Brad flies back to Calfornia.  After we dropped him off at the airport Jake said I already miss him.  Such a sweet boy!

Sir Topham Hat we finally get to meet.  Last year when we went to ride Thomas Sir Topham Hat was busy and Jake did not get to see him.  He remembered and made sure we visited with him first then we went on the ride with Thomas.

Spring time means baseball.  Daddy is the Assitant Coach.  Mommy volunteered him.  Dave did a great job.  Coach Alix  his wife Rachele and their two boys Brooks and Colt have become family friends.

March 2012 Learning to do chores!

 Jake has been going grocery shopping with me since he was born.  But we are almost 5 and Wow do we have to watch what we buy.  " Oh Mommy do you need more bandaides" at Walmart buying female supplies.  I told they were "Mommy bandaides one time when he caught me in the bathroom and he didn't forget. 

Just like going to the grocery store Jake is learning to help around the house too.  We make it fun and of course he gets a reward when he is done.  He is a chip off the old block he is very detailed and a bit of neat freak.

Its toilet time, you use it, you learn how to clean it.  :)

Swim lessons and target practice!

Jake is back in the pool to be a super swimmer by summer.  Miss Joanna is an amazing teacher.  He is almost swimming the length of the pool.  Free style and breath stroke.
It's target practice time!!!!  Xmas gift with a nerf guns.  We are all having a blast shooting eachother.

January bike rides to climb trucks 2012

Jake still loves trucks.

Jake riding his big boy bike.  Loves that he is beating Mommy and Daddy, but still unsure of the training wheels catching him.

January 2012 What is Jake saying and doing?

This month at school they are learning the about money. Jake was so excited to tell us he bought a toy for his friend at school. He also brought home a plane he got for himself. We got him a piggy bank (blue of course) and have been working with him on asking to have things. We ask him if he has enough money. He will look at the piggy bank and say "no". He things if its not full he doesn't have enough money to buy a toy. We had him bring it to the store to buy a train car, they were out of stock, so we came home and ordered it on the internet. When the box came in the mail we had him put the money in the box and send it back. We also did this for his transformers he wanted after Xmas. Uncle Rob gave him gift cards. We let him type in the gift card number when we ordered the ones he wanted online. Each day we pulled up the order so he could look at the photos of the transformers. We had to tell him how many more days till we would get the box in the mail. It was a long 6 days for the 4 1/2 year old. He was so excited to open the box.

Jake is into all things Super Heroes! I found the old Batman shows and have been recording them for him. He loves it! He refers to the show as Batman and Robin in costumes show.

We have an addition to our night time routine. Jake is all tucked in and then comes into the living room asking for Chloe to sleep in his bed. He told me that he doesn't have anyone to sleep with. I said "well you have George the monkey", and he replied "Mommy George isn't real. I felt so bad until he asked if Chloe could sleep with him. Poor Chloe didn't know what she was in for. Actually Jake has been great and Chloe starts off at the bottom of the bed when Jake is playing. Once Jake falls asleep she lays next to him and his pillow. So adorable and sweet. This has helped Jake not coming into our room at 1 or 5am. Thanks Choloe I am getting more sleep too.

Jake got in the car from Sunday school this week and said "Mommy watch me do the sign of the cross"! Adorable he ran through it with such pride. I had to slow him down a bit. He loves the end clapping your hands together and yelling AMEN!

Jake loves to come into our bed at night or in the early morning. He is starting to be afraid of the dark and talk a lot about monsters. He creeps in and brings whatever toy he took to bed that night. This is funny because I know what it is like to have race cars, Star Wars ships, Batman, a Space Shuttle, Buzz Lightyear and other plastic favorites lying next to me.

Dinner time, we are trying to sit at the table every night. Jake will ask picnic or table? Picnic is a plastic seasame street sheet Nana gaves us when Jake was a baby. It is really for under a high chair to clean up the mess little ones throw to the ground. Well you know Jake, Mr. Neat like his parents we found another place to use it so he could watch a show and eat a meal.
He has gotten upset saying "eatting at the table takes forever"! I respond that is only because he takes longer. He will always want to try and beat Dave and I eatting. But doesn't since we have the bad habit of eatting too fast. Jake will also get a treat after dinner. It can be anything from Pez candies to cheese puffs. Amazing you give him 4 cheese puffs and he is a happy boy.

After dinner we go into the living room to watch a show. Sprout, Nick Jr, Disney are the favorite channels. We have to read the descriptions so he say its a new show and not something he has already watched. Sometimes he yells ooooooooh I want to see that one again. When the show is over he always wants another one. We usually put something on we all enjoy. Animal planet National Geographic are a few stations we choose. Of course Jake doesn't enjoy the Fox news unless he finds the letters of his name scrolling below. Next for the nightly routine is a shower with Daddy. Baths every once in a while but he loves to be a big boy and take a shower with Daddy. Next up brushing teeth and if he was ahead of schedule a computer game then 3 books. Daddy usually gets to read two books first. Mommy waits and then is told to count to 20 so Jake and Daddy can hide.