April 2009 I love to eat Easter Candy!

My 2nd Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny hid the eggs in the front of the house since it was raining. I really liked picking up the eggs. Mommy and Daddy were surprised that I knew how to hunt for the eggs. I got it as soon as Mommy told me there was candy inside the eggs.

I love Easter candy. I ate my first Jelly Beans at school and then Whopper Eggs at the Coppell Easter Egg Hunt. Mommy took the wrappers off and at a bunch. Yummy!

March 2009 Its mowing season.

This month Jake has started to love "helping" Mommy and Daddy. Lawn mowing season has started back up. Jake didn't forget how much he loved being with Daddy on Friday nights. The best part for Jake is that he can walk and push his own mower. He knows to follow being Daddy in a straight line. We live on a corner and it is so fun to watch people slow down to watch Jake in action.

Jake has been learning sign language at school. More, baby, all done, no are his favorites
He will point to all his friends when you ask him where is Risto, Alix, or his teachers. He is also loving to watch sports on TV. The noise and action keeps his attention. He will sit for about 20 minutes and watch with us. We have even turned on old football games when he is in a mood, to get his attention and make him happy. March Madness is going on so Basketball has been on too. We drag over his hoop and he watches the game and plays at the same time.

February 2009 Happy Valentines Day

Jake's Valentines cupcake cake for his friends at daycare.
Jake and Alix playing.
Jake is starting to want to be our little helper.
Jake is using his spoon and fork really well. When he sees the apple sauce in the frig he asks for it. His new favorite food is shrimp. He ate all Daddy's when we went to Pei Wei for dinner.

January 2009 Our cleaning bug.

Jake and Alix have learned to hug and kiss each other. Oops what are we teaching our kiddies. :)
The dock at the park. Lots of ducks to feed.
Jake loves his new chair. He actually watched the Super Bowl. He yelled "ball ball ball". Everytime a player fell he would say "oh no". Mommy is so excited he likes football.
Our little cleaning bug. Jake loves his new vacumn he got from Santa. He follows Daddy around the house. We he couldn't walk Daddy would hold Jake and vacumn the house.

December 2008 Xmas Actiivites ouch we don't like Mrs. Claus.

Christmas in California, Jake liked Austin gameboy.
Xmas Eve Night, Jake was pooped after dancing in church. He missed opening the gifts.
After mass we walked the Christmas street and took fun family photo.
Jake sitting under our Xmas tree. He did great learning what the word "gentle" means. No broken decorations this year.
Jake and Daddy putting together his playhouse. The Leary Family's gift to Jake.
It was like building a real house.
Jake loves his power tools, just like Daddy.
Xmas in Old Town Coppell
Oh poor Jake, he does not like strangers. Not even Mrs. Clause.

November 2008 Thanksgiving and Basketball

Jake loved Thanksgiving with the Kish Family. He took over Ava's kitchen. It was so cute to see how busy he was playing.
Our neighborhood Turkey Trot ends with basketball. Jake is becoming obsessed wanting to play like a big boy.
At the park Jake is starting to climb and run without Mommy or Daddy.

He loves to chase his friend Alix.

October 2008 A busy month at school and Autumn activities

Halloween night, it is sure fun to have a fireman as our neighbor.
Jake is learning at a young age to listen with the girl speaks. Our cute 50's little Alix.
What a cute little football player. He had a helmet but Jake hats wearing hats.
Jake's Halloween parade at school. I had to hold his hand and walk him thru the school yard. As you can see he didn't not want to sit for a school photo. Risto is his buddy.

Before the parade Jake with his friends Risto and Nicholas.

Jake and Nash at the Pumpkin Patch. Nash loved pulling Jake in the wagon. This was Jake's first time and he loved pumpkins. Probably because they look like balls and he is obsessed with them.
Coppell Autumn Festival with bands, booths and even a hot air balloon. Jake was a dancing machine. It was very cute how people walked by and saw our little man dancing side to side.

Jake loved the pumpkin decorations. He would carry them around the house. He will be ready to trick or treat next year.
Alix and Jake playing in the driveway. Jake is loves his mower.
The Sunshine House is so great for sending this cute photo of Jake sleeping. He is on a kiddie cot. It is amazing what kids will do with out Mommy and Daddy around. This kids all get their blankets from their box and go over to their beds for nap time. 12:30 to 2:30. I am told that Jake usually wakes first when he hears other people talking.

Jake sitting at the table eatting breakfast.