October 2008 A busy month at school and Autumn activities

Halloween night, it is sure fun to have a fireman as our neighbor.
Jake is learning at a young age to listen with the girl speaks. Our cute 50's little Alix.
What a cute little football player. He had a helmet but Jake hats wearing hats.
Jake's Halloween parade at school. I had to hold his hand and walk him thru the school yard. As you can see he didn't not want to sit for a school photo. Risto is his buddy.

Before the parade Jake with his friends Risto and Nicholas.

Jake and Nash at the Pumpkin Patch. Nash loved pulling Jake in the wagon. This was Jake's first time and he loved pumpkins. Probably because they look like balls and he is obsessed with them.
Coppell Autumn Festival with bands, booths and even a hot air balloon. Jake was a dancing machine. It was very cute how people walked by and saw our little man dancing side to side.

Jake loved the pumpkin decorations. He would carry them around the house. He will be ready to trick or treat next year.
Alix and Jake playing in the driveway. Jake is loves his mower.
The Sunshine House is so great for sending this cute photo of Jake sleeping. He is on a kiddie cot. It is amazing what kids will do with out Mommy and Daddy around. This kids all get their blankets from their box and go over to their beds for nap time. 12:30 to 2:30. I am told that Jake usually wakes first when he hears other people talking.

Jake sitting at the table eatting breakfast.

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