January Its a cold month, so lets play at the firehouse and go to the McDonalds playground!!!!

The weather has been very cold this month. We can't play outside so we are off to the McDonalds playground. Jake and Alix climb up and around as TJ uses the small slide. They have a great time through the tunnels and slides. Jake is learning how yummy those Happy Meals are. Plus the toys that come with them. We usually last there for about 1 hour 1/2.

Yummy hamburgers! Mommy is now making some at home for dinner. In one week Jake ate a hamburger 4 days in a row.
Lets go to the firehouse and see Mr. Todd. Jake and Alix had a great time playing in the trucks. They owned the place. Jake actually started the big truck. We cracked up and of course took the keys out. The things we do during the cold winter to have fun with our friends.

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