February at school. These kids are growing up too fast!

Alix told their new teacher that Jake Jake, was her husband. The next week a new boy started at school and how quickly Jake was replaced.
Ms. Heather wrote us this email:
Ok...I cannot resist telling you guys this story about your kids! We have a new little boy in Ms. Allison's class that started today. Alix and the little boy were playing together...Jake came over and Alix put her hands on her hips and said "This is my new boyfriend!" Jake said "NO!" Alix said "Find something else!". Jake ran to Ms. Allison and 'told' on her! They eventually all played together. As we were all watching this unravel...we were uncontrollably laughing! Oh...you guys are in for it when they are teenagers! :)

That night she told her mommy that Jake was still her boyfriend. I can't believe she knew the words boyfriend and husband.

Jake is back to be interested in potty training. Ms. Allison sent this note home with us:
I wanted to update ou on Jake's sweet potty adventure! He is doing so great, and am sure he will get this very soon. After being wet on Wednesday he hasn't gone pee pee anywhere but in and on and around the potty. He pooped early this morning, so I arrived we were in the clear to wear his elmo underwear. Its funny how kids amaze you. He stayed dry almost the whole day. He tried to pee in the potty... he just moved and his the floor and his clothes. I was so proud of him. We washed his clothes and put them back in underwear. . . oops until he pooped. It is so good that he is feeling the feeling of "this is yucky"! We are still working and he is accomplishing great things. I am so proud of him. Now I have him in a pull up and underwear over it. Thanks for being involved. Love Ms. Allison.

That same week he came home with a sticker. He was able to get it out of the "treasure chest" because he was being a good listener at school.

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