May for Mothers Day, Sunglasses Firehats and cookies!

Mommy and Jake wearing our SF Giants shirts!

Jake loves his sun glasses.
A plastic fire hat he got form the Addison Fireman, he wore it so much his head would sweat.

Sunday morning out of bed below and on goes the hat for 4 days to school.

Yummy, Mommy gave me a cookie.

May Baseball Trucks and computers

Jake and Daddy mastering another computer game.
Jake is a suited and ready to go. Buzz backpack with toys and treats.

Lots of great fielding.

Jake really loves playing, wow does that Mommy glow.

Jake and Caroline run for the ball. Well she was not in the mood.
6 games in the Sring League. We can't wait for September Fall league 8 games.

The Easter Bunny is here!

The Easter Bunny came back and left another bag of goodies at the door. Thanks to our sweet neighbor Minna. Jelly Beans for breakfast is a perfect way to start the day.

Mommy and Jake cleaning up the lettuce and carrotts that the Bunny trailed through the house.

Eggs filled with Jelly Beans and M & M's.

Daddy and Jake getting ready for the big hunt.

Coppell Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. Jake did great, he rushed those other kids and got lots of treats and toys.

Coppell Blastball season starts!

The Durham Bulls!

Jake loved to give Coach Bobby high 5's when he threw, caught or hit the ball. He was a great first coach for Jake. Very sweet and patient with him. We only had one game on an early Saturday that he wanted to go home and not play. The other coach said that is normal for his age. He was the youngest on the team. He was 3 1/2 at the time and most of the boys where turning 5. The coach said Jake listens really well and is really fast and cordinated.

We had to learn to run the bases. At home we just hit off the tee. The first games and practices Jake just kept running the bases.

Big swing!!

Opening Day with the Cooperhead Snake Mascot. Jake 3rd mascot this month. He loves him too. Talked about when he would see him again.

Parade of banners and sitting listening to the baseball announcements.

Jake was shy in the morning for the parade, so guess who walked with him. Yes that is Mommy in her Giants World Series T/shirt.

First visit to Chuck E Cheese Ellie's bday party.

Jake's first birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Jake and his friend Westlee playing.

Jake really liked "the mouse". He is standing further away and everytime he tried to get close there were too many kids in front of him. I was so proud he wasn't afraid of him.

2 hours OMG is plenty at that place.

Starting swim lessons for this year.

Jake and Miss Joanna in swim lessons before summer.

Blowing bubbles technique so Jake doens't drink the water when swimming.

Alix TJ and Jake love to play at the park!

A Sunday afternoon after naps playing a the neighborhood park.

Jake and Alix climbing the wall. At school they look out for each other. They act like true siblings. One of Jake's friends took something from Alix, Jake saw it and went over and demanded he give the toy back to her. Another day someone did a similar thing to Jake and Alix marched over and got it for him.

April 1 Opening Day and Uncle Rob is here!

Jake and I on opening day at the Ballpark in Arlington. Uncle Rob is here and we are set for the weekend of baseball.

Jake and I were waiting after the game to go down to the clubhouse and bring Uncle Rob to our house. Jake sits for about 7 innings of everygame. Of course we have treats but he knows exactly where the ball is.

Uncle Rob gave Jake a baseball everytime he saw him.

On Sunday when Jake and I were going to our seats he remember the horse. It was in the same area he saw him in August when Uncle Rob was in town. The horse walked over and rubbed Jakes head. I told Jake we would try to find him and say hi. It was the 8th inning and we finally spot him several sections over. As any crazy mom will do for her child, I pick Jake up and run to where I hoped he would come out the tunnell. I hit the mark and he stopped and took several pictures with Jake. He couldn't stop talking about him.

When we got home Jake said " we need to send the Captain these pictures along with some snacks and stickers". What a sweet boy.

Elmo and Sesame Street came to visit!

What a great night with Elmo and Friends.

Daddy thank your for my $10 balloon. Good news is that it lasted over a month.

I love my balloon!!

Playing outside is our favorite thing to do!

Jake loves to play outside. The bad weather is gone, so you know where to find us.

March - Thomas is finally back in Grapevine! St Patricks Day at school.

Jake 2nd visit to see Thomas. This time we rode the train. Got there for the first ride of the day. Jake wondered why Thomas was going backwards. Smart kid, they use a real train and drive about 15 minutes in one direction then back to the Grapevine Station.

The minute we got into the car he wanted to know when Thomas would be back.

Max 4th Birthday - "lets slide"!

Max's 4th birthday party at a jump house. He knew some of the boys from soccer and had a great time.

Check out this slide. No fear, now a year ago Daddy would have to go with him. Now he is a big boy!

How about that Leary smile!!!!!