April 1 Opening Day and Uncle Rob is here!

Jake and I on opening day at the Ballpark in Arlington. Uncle Rob is here and we are set for the weekend of baseball.

Jake and I were waiting after the game to go down to the clubhouse and bring Uncle Rob to our house. Jake sits for about 7 innings of everygame. Of course we have treats but he knows exactly where the ball is.

Uncle Rob gave Jake a baseball everytime he saw him.

On Sunday when Jake and I were going to our seats he remember the horse. It was in the same area he saw him in August when Uncle Rob was in town. The horse walked over and rubbed Jakes head. I told Jake we would try to find him and say hi. It was the 8th inning and we finally spot him several sections over. As any crazy mom will do for her child, I pick Jake up and run to where I hoped he would come out the tunnell. I hit the mark and he stopped and took several pictures with Jake. He couldn't stop talking about him.

When we got home Jake said " we need to send the Captain these pictures along with some snacks and stickers". What a sweet boy.

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