July 2008 Parades, walks and Jake's first kiss.

After our nightly 3 mile walk Alix gave Jake a kiss goodbye. I know later we won't be encouraging kissing, but darn they are cute.

Jake is eatting pretty well. We are told he is the neatest eater at school. Mommy and Daddy are letting him go wild with the pasta.
Jake's birthday wagon is the real metal one from the "old days", he loves to be pulled on walks with Daddy in it. The dogs follow close by.

Alix and Jake love the park, we try to go as often as we can. Jake loved the slide but didn't like the swing at first. Alix taught Jake to call the swing a "weeeee".

Coppell's 4th of July Parade

Jake loved the music coming from the cars. It was very hot! Yes I know Texas in July is not cool. :)

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