Christmas Day a "whole" day of opening gifts.

After opening gifts all morning and a 2 hour nap for Jake we got dressed. That was at 3:30pm so we decided to visit the Great Wolf Lodge.
Jake's new red truck! Its a 2 seater for Jake and his friends to ride around in. He was very distracted by the keys, the stearing wheel and all the buttons inside. He is learning to push on the gas and keep his foot down. As soon as he would go he would stop pushing it.

See Nana I am opening my gifts. Jake got lots of accessories for his train set.
Santa brought the train table.

Christmas Eve with Santa!

Jake "wrote" his Santa letter at school and asked for cupcakes, trucks and "darney books.
Trains for Jake at the Gaylord Hotel. He was fasinated and couldn't get enough of them. Our video home in the car is hilarious he is crying for the choo choo's. Then less than 2 minutes he is sound asleep on our snowy drive home. 3 inches of snow on Christmas Eve. When Jake woke from his nap we went to dinner at PF Changs. The roads were crazy but we took our time and woke to a white Christmas. Dave was thrilled. 1st time in 85 years Dallas had snow on Christmas.

Jake loves the big fountains too.

Mommy is so happy we got our photo with Santa. I couldn't believe our luck. Christmas Eve at 11:30am and we only waited 5 minutes. Jake just thought I was showing him Christmas trees. Then we got close enough for him to see Santa. He quietly whispered "no Mama no Santa", I said no problem you will sit with Mommy and Daddy. He did great and even gave Santa a high five when we were done. I wish I had that shot.

Kish's for Dinner.

Wednesday night the Kish family came for Turkey dinner. Jake is loving the music box of Santa's workshop. It lights up and plays music.
Here the twins are. Fun fun smiles for the night.
The kids played ping pong. It was very sweet because Matt held Jake and hit the ball to little Ava. Jake had a tantrum because he wanted to keep playing ping pong and didn't want to stop for dinner. He watch "monkey" and ate rolls and Christmas cookies.

My Snowman and Reindeer! PB and J, PLEASE

It has been great to be home for the Christmas week. Jake is in a routine of wanting Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches for breakfast and lunch. He gets up from sleeping and asks for a "sandwich". He then says "two pieces" and helps make the sandwich. He asks to hold the PB& J jars while we spread it on the bread. Ilet him lick the knife and he thinks is big stuff. Don't worry its a butter knife. He also has the job of turning on the Snowman and Reindeers on. He asks when he can do it, and we tell him when the moon comes out. After he turns it on he asks to touch each one. It is adorable because he is really petting them. He will then say, "Mama Dada, I touch it". Just adorable!!!

Trains, trains, and more trains!!!!!

Monday we were off to North Park Mall to see the train display. We told him we were going to Thomas's house. Jake pointed and waited for the next train to come around the corner. It was high off the ground so Daddy had to carry him for a great view of the displays.
Taking it all in. Jake loves trains!

Christmas week - The Rainforest Cafe and computer time.

Jake loves the computer. We were shopping at the mall and he saw a computer in the store. He sat down and started moving the mouse. "I move it Mommy", and he was. Boy do these kids learn early.
I told Jake do show me his teeth for a big smile.
The Rainforest Cafe for lunch. We had to pull him away from the alligator at the entrance.We had a great seat looking out at the whole restaurant. I think the elephants were his next favorite after the alligator.

December Christmas Season Activities Begin

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! Yes we live in Texas and we do get some.
The Coppell Christmas Parade was a hit with Jake. He was speechless.
Lots of great lights on the floats. Jake just stared and pointed.
Jake loves balls and couldn't be with out one during the parade.

Bike Rides and walks

Jake talking on his cellphone in the car. He will yell up to us and say "phone phone", then he gives a big loud, "HELLO" and "GOODBYE". It is so cute. When Dave's phone rings he yells, "Mommy" and when Mommy phone rings he yells, "Daddy". One smart kid. :)
We love our daily walks with Ms Nikki, Alix and baby TJ. We also bring Chloe and she keeps up with our pace. 2 1/2 mile walk in 40 minutes. Yes lots of snack stops for the kids.
Jake likes to be a big boy and push the stroller part of the way home. On this day Chloe had a bumpy ride.
Our bike rides are fun. They start with Jake screaming that he doesn't want to wear his helmet.. Then he becomes busy pointing out everything he sees and trying to find the neighborhood bunny rabbits. Yes that is George in the seat. He goes everywhere with Jake.

November Colors and Jake's first "Happy Meal"

Jake is doing great learning colors. School has a color of the week. Blue is his favorite right now. When he picks out stickers he is looking for one with blue in it. Jake is also calling out the colors at the stop lights. When we get to the red light, he yells stop, then asks for the green light. When it turns green he yells "go mama or go dada". He even calls out the other lights and arrows. Of course he already knows green is the fun color, so we can go go go!
Mommy and Daddy had a wedding to go to, so Jake stayed at Alix's house. It was the first time Jake had a Happy Meal. Of course he had nuggets. The played in the inside playground. Then they went home for baths and movies. Nikki finally got them down around 8:45pm. Jake slept on Alix's trundel bed. She realized Jake didn't have a pillow and by the time she went in the room they were both fast asleep. In the morning Alix asked "where is Jakey, Jake"?

Novemeber Curious George's House

Mommy won tickets from a local tv show to see Curious George. We told Jake we were going to George's house.
He sat in his seat the whole first act, which was 40 minutes. At the intermission he got a little restless, but Daddy got him a balloon and he was set. He sat on our laps the rest of the show pointing at George. The best part was when George was waving to the audience. We told Jake he was waving to him. He gave this biggest smile. Mommy got tears in her eyes.

Halloween Trick or Treat

Jake was great at "trick or treat", Ms. Allison had them practice at school. He did pretty good walking in the custome parade. Of course he saw Daddy and jumped out of line and into his arms.
Jake and Alix were hilarious. We went to Ed and Marti's house first. Lucky for us they gave out the small bags of Skittles which is Jake and Alix's favorite candy. Jake got the concept fast, go to the door get candy and eat it. It didn't hit the bottom of the pumpkin and he wanted it.
Alix was so funny. They went to the door and rang the bell and said trick of treat. Well the lady didn't answer fast enough so she yelled it at the door. It was so hilarious. Hey lady I am here hurry up. That is a great house they give huge candy bars.
Taking a candy break, while playing catch with Daddy and waiting for Alix.

October 2009

October 23rd Ms. Allison let us know that Jake did a poop poop in the potty. He came out with his pants on his ankles and said " I did it", he sure did. Now at home on the other hand he will sit on the potty for a few seconds and then says "I'm done". Oh well we are just going through the motions till he is ready.

October 25 Nikki and I took Jake and Alix to the indoor swimming pool. Jake had never been in a kiddie pool. He was very observant that the water was shallow. He laid on his belly a little bit watching and copying everything Alix did. Then we went into the big pool. We kept our routine of saying "toes" to line them up on the side of the pool then I counted to three and he jumped and swam to me. He would look up and see the lifeguard and tell him, " I jump, I swim", the teenage boy was sweet to nod and said great job.

This month has brought out the two year old in Jake. We have had tantrums when he is dressing and wanting to watch more "Monkey or Barnie". He has gone to time out, which is at the front door. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. We also use stickers as an incentive to stay a way from the tantrum. Sometime it works and sometimes not. :)

Speaking of tantrums we had to cut up his sandals that he wore most of the summer. The sole was peeling off and it was becoming chilly in October.

October Mommy and Daddy are learning what Jake does at school.

Jake has been bringing George to school. He gets to have him on the table for breakfast. Then George goes to the cubby until nap time. Heather snapped this photo and sent it to us. She wrote "if I could have a favorite Jake would be it".

A picnic at school. Jake and Alix are on the top left of the photo.
What a smile for the camera at school.

At the school open house Ms. Allison told us Jake is counting to 10 in Spanish. Heck we didn't know he knew to count to 10 in English. When he went pee pee the other day he ran out excited and yelled "I did it". Ms. Beth says that Jake is the best kid to help with clean up. Gee I wonder where he got that from?

Jake's September

Uncle Brad's visit was fun and included lots of fun at the parks. We went to the Rangers game on Friday night. Jake had a great time and didn't get tired. We stayed for all 9 innings.

We ate cookies, corn dogs and popcorn. Jake sat in his seat with George till the 7th inning stretch. Then he became a dancing machine. We would ask him where is the ball, and he would point to the pitcher. I would count 1 2 3 for the next pitch. He waited in excitement to see where the ball would go next. We had lots of foul balls near us. 25th row behind home plate.
Jake's school photo.
The "Two's Classroom with Ms. Allison!
Jake out to dinner with his friend's Jenna and Max. We ordered dessert for Mommy Daddy aand Jake to share, but Jake wanted to be like his friends. He ate the whole piece of cake.
Jake and Alix at the fire station open house.

Jake is a big boy sitting on the potty at home. He sits for a few and then says "all done". We say ok and off he goes. Of course at school he is standing and going in the potty.

Jake's 1st Cowboys game

No one can say Mommy isn't making a huge sacrifice for Jake. Go Cowboys, well only when Jake is watching. I am still a 49er fan. Don't get me wrong I'll go to a Cowboys game and sit in great seats. Thanks Jerry Jones. I whispered "go Niners" and it worked they beat the Cowboys.

We were on the 35 yard line in the 25th row behind the Cowboys bench. Jake had an awesome time. We kept him in the game by making him follow the ball. We asked him "where is the ball", and he knew each time.

Summer fun, swimming and workbench

This is the first time Jake is swimming with us after all his lessons. The pool was underconstruction so we couldn't use ours. We were excited that he jumped right in. I was concerned at first. He began choking on the water, something he learned in week one of swim class. Well after a few laps we realized it was because he was smiling and laughing swimming to us. Yeah yeah, relaxed and happy to be with Mommy and Daddy.

Our Jake is great with tools too. Thanks to Nana and Auntie Cath he has his very own tool bench. It has interactive parts that you can build with. He is very busy fixing things.

August brings Barnie and "My George"!

Jake has been in swim lessons for 4 weeks. I would pick him up from daycare and drive him to his lesson each night Monday thru Thursday. When we got home he was tired, so he would sit in his chair and began his obession with Barney and George! A few days later he started bringing George to bed and in the car. Daddy and Jake were going to Home Depot. They got to the front door and Jake stopped in his tracks. He kept saying George George George, Dave asked him if he wanted to go back to the car and get him. He gave huge YES! That began the traveling George.

Swim Lessons with Chad

Lone Star Swim School is great! It is at a family home two blocks up the street from Jake's daycare. Their sons ages 16 to 20 teach the classes. They have an amazing way with kids. Tons of patience for a crying kiddie.

Week 4 of lessons with "my friend Chad"

The lessons are done semi-private. Two kids per teacher for 30 minutes. Week one Jake cried for 1/2 the class. Week 2 the first 10 minutes and then he would moan on the side of the pool for Mommy or Daddy. Week 3 he cried for 5 to 10 minutes and started to talk to Chad. Chad was so excited at the end of the lesson he made sure to tell me that Jake talked to him. Week 4 there was a little crying but once Chad got him busy he did great. By the end of week one he was pushing himself off the step in the water to Chad and not swallowing any water. By week 3 he jumped off the side and sort of swam to Chad. Week 4 he played and swam very naturally with Chad.

Chad takes him to the rocks and shows him a hole. He does this to calm him down and stop him from crying. He speaks softly in his ear. It is amazing to watch. Oh I didn't say that for 4 weeks of lessons Mommy is hiding behind a bush, so Jake will stop crying and listen to Chad. A pretty funny site.
At the end of his lessons Chad and his brother said Jake did great for being two. Most kids do cry like Jake did but they scream and fight the whole lesson. Jake didn't do that, he cried but once busy in the water he would listen and do what he was told. I knew he liked Chad when he would be crying and the same time would give Chad a high five.

1st Fort Worth Zoo Visit

Jake's first visit to the zoo. The first area we came to is the Monkey compound. It is in a large circle and each turn is a different species. Jake stood in his stroller to get the view. He balanced great except when he didn't want to leave. We had to tell him there are other monkeys around the corner. He put on a huge smile!
Next were the Flamingos, he liked the pink color.
Oh look there is Mommy, yes she does exist behind the camera.

We got to the zoo at opening 10am. We knew he would only last till lunch time because of his nap schedule. 12:30 on the dot he started being a cranky two year old. "Yes" we were the couple leaving the zoo with a screaming child. It was very funny. Lucky for us we saw all the fun and active animals.