Christmas Eve with Santa!

Jake "wrote" his Santa letter at school and asked for cupcakes, trucks and "darney books.
Trains for Jake at the Gaylord Hotel. He was fasinated and couldn't get enough of them. Our video home in the car is hilarious he is crying for the choo choo's. Then less than 2 minutes he is sound asleep on our snowy drive home. 3 inches of snow on Christmas Eve. When Jake woke from his nap we went to dinner at PF Changs. The roads were crazy but we took our time and woke to a white Christmas. Dave was thrilled. 1st time in 85 years Dallas had snow on Christmas.

Jake loves the big fountains too.

Mommy is so happy we got our photo with Santa. I couldn't believe our luck. Christmas Eve at 11:30am and we only waited 5 minutes. Jake just thought I was showing him Christmas trees. Then we got close enough for him to see Santa. He quietly whispered "no Mama no Santa", I said no problem you will sit with Mommy and Daddy. He did great and even gave Santa a high five when we were done. I wish I had that shot.

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