Halloween Trick or Treat

Jake was great at "trick or treat", Ms. Allison had them practice at school. He did pretty good walking in the custome parade. Of course he saw Daddy and jumped out of line and into his arms.
Jake and Alix were hilarious. We went to Ed and Marti's house first. Lucky for us they gave out the small bags of Skittles which is Jake and Alix's favorite candy. Jake got the concept fast, go to the door get candy and eat it. It didn't hit the bottom of the pumpkin and he wanted it.
Alix was so funny. They went to the door and rang the bell and said trick of treat. Well the lady didn't answer fast enough so she yelled it at the door. It was so hilarious. Hey lady I am here hurry up. That is a great house they give huge candy bars.
Taking a candy break, while playing catch with Daddy and waiting for Alix.

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